Our Projects

In-Kind Assistance

We deliver various items to those who need them most. These include food parcels, hygiene kits, winter aid (heaters, diesel, and clothes), tent repairs, and cash that are delivered monthly.


We provide supplies to schools and private tutoring centers necessary to perform effective learning in classrooms where students come from various backgrounds. We also work on raising awareness of the importance of education, especially for the less fortunate.

Sustainable Projects

We launch and support agricultural projects that provide food and income for those who care for them.


We sponsor surgeries for individuals whose financial situation doesn’t allow them to perform operations that are crucial for their health. We also provide some medical supplies for clinics and hospitals

Food Parcels

A necessity for survival, we give packs that contain essential food items.

Tent repairs

Tents barely provide protection for those who live in them, but sometimes it’s all they have and it’s important we keep them in optimal condition.


We supplement families with clean water that is too expensive for them to buy regularly.

Hygiene kits

The present situation has made a lot of families forget about the necessity of keeping themselves and their environment clean. The kits we give remind them of that.

Baby Milk

Children should not have to suffer long-lasting effects on their health. Milk is needed to ensure their growth and we make sure parents have access to it.


Tents barely provide protection for those who live in them, but sometimes it’s all they have and it’s important we keep them in optimal condition.


Giving joy to an orphan is one of the greatest delights we can have. In addition to dedicating a day for them where we give them the attention they need, we assist them financially when the need arises.

Winter Aid

When winter comes, we protect the vulnerable from it’s harsh conditions by keeping their houses (or tents) and bodies warm.

Hot Meals

The situation here in Lebanon has gotten so severe that giving fresh hot meals has become invaluable. A lot of individuals and families lack the abilities to cook for themselves.

Meat Distribution

Something as basic as meat and poultry has become a delicacy. We help balance the diets of everyone by giving meat portions that families can make use of.